January 2005 http://theglenofpg.com 642-2441
President: Diana Busman Vice-President: Jack Rutherford Secretary: Glen Grossman Treasurer: Jim Ray At-Large Director: Jack Rugar
Newsletter: Glen Grossman Architectural Control: Ken Morley(Chair), Rodger Axt, Jessa Lee Lapatra Gardening: Sharon Axt Welcoming: Carol Rutherford Managing Agent: Joseph Chaffers (MCC)
BOARD NEWS The Board of Directors held its December board meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 71 Glen Lake Drive. All directors were present. PEDESTRIAN GATE It is a violation of Glen Rules and a safety hazard for people to be climbing the fences. If you have guests who need to leave via the pedestrian gate and you do not have an extra gate key to loan them, please accompany them to the gate so they can exit safely. ROOF LEAKS We are having an extremely heavy rainy season this year. Please check your ceilings, walls, and garages for any sign of wet spots. If you see any, call The Glen phone # so we can schedule a roofer. PARKING
Glen Lake
Drive is a designated fire lane. Please do not park on Glen Lake Drive at any
time. Vehicles so parked are subject to towing without notice. CC&R PROPOSALS The Glen of Pacific Grove Homeowners’ Association, Inc., is the nonprofit corporation created by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (“C.C.&Rs.”) recorded July 15, 1982. Since that time, California has enacted the Davis-Sterling Act which regulates all homeowner associations like The Glen. Our CC&Rs have never been amended. As a result, our CC&R are seriously out of date and do not provide the Board with the flexibility it needs to run the Association efficiently. The Board is looking into updating our CC&Rs to comply with current laws. GARDENING REQUESTS Any requests for the gardeners must go through the Gardening Committee. Leave a note in The Glen mailbox across from unit #98. Include your name, phone #, and unit #, and someone will get back to you. If you are unable to get to the Glen mailbox, call the Glen phone # 642-2441. RULES ENFORCEMENT Some residents are not complying with our Rules and Regulations. If you do not want to see the Rules Enforcement Committee resurrected, please comply with our Rules and Regulation and ask your fellow neighbors to comply. GARBAGE BINS Do not put garbage bins onto the street until Tuesday evening. Do not mix recyclables with non-recyclables. Do not use the gardeners’ bins unless you are putting in plantings. They have to remove non-gardening items from the bins. NEXT BOARD MEETING January 18, 2005 at 6:00 at 71 Glen Lake Drive. All residents are invited to attend. |