JUNE 2004                       http://theglenofpg.com                               642-2441



The Glen Gazette

One Glen Lake Drive, Pacific Grove, CA 93950




President:            Candy Pollock

Vice-President:  Jack Rutherford

Secretary:           Glen Grossman

Treasurer:                      Jim Ray

At-Large Director:     Jack Rugar


Newsletter:         Glen Grossman

Architectural Control:

Chair, Ken Morley

Rodger Axt

Jessa Lee Lapatra


Candy Pollock & CarolRutherford

Welcoming:      Carol Rutherford

Emergency Preparedness:

Craig Woolley

Stephanie Lee

Managing Agent:

 Joseph Chaffers (MCC)





·         NEW RULES & REGS

·         GARARGE SALE

·         JULY 4th PICNIC




   As most of you know, the Board has been holding meetings every two weeks to arrive at a consensus on what colors to paint The Glen. President Pollock has met with Pacific Grove Architect Jeanne Byrne who is working on a presentation to the Board but will not be ready by June 16th or June 23rd. Therefore, the Board cancelled the meeting on June 16th and will hold a regular and a Special Board meeting on Wednesday June 23rd. The regular board meeting will commence at 4:45 p.m. and the special board meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. The special board meeting will address the budget and the amount of the dues increase (see next paragraph). All members are urged to attend. We do not anticipate addressing painting at this meeting.



   A recent study concluded that half of all common interest developments in California are significantly under funded in their Reserve Account. Unfortunately, The Glen finds itself in that same position. The Glen will not have enough money to pay for new roofs in 2008. Therefore, the Board’s Budget Committee is recommending an increase in dues of $49 per month per unit to $294. The Committee has developed a schedule of increases in the Reserve Account contribution over the next five (5) years which will enable us to have enough money to replace the roofs in 2008 and stay above the 70% reserve funding level. In addition, the Board borrowed $25,000 from the Reserve Account to pay for unanticipated operating expenses. This money has to be paid back to the Reserve Account. Therefore, the Budget Committee is recommending a special  assessment of $35 per month per unit to replenish the Reserve Account. Because the Association is facing such a large increase in dues, the Committee is not recommending any real increase in the Operating Account.

   The Board has scheduled that meeting for June 23, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. at Shoreline Office Building. The Committee will present an explanation on why the Board needs to raise dues so drastically.



The Glen will be holding a community garage sale on Saturday, June 26, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. If you are interested in participating, you need to sign-up and will share the cost of a newspaper ad. Please RSVP by June 21 to Christina Bronfeld at 656-9419. If you will not be participating, please keep your garage door closed.



The Glen's annual 4th of July Picnic will be held on July 4th at 11:30 a.m. on the lawn across from the front gate. The Glen will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, and condiments. Bring your favorite appetizer, salad, and or dessert to share as well as your choice of beverage and a chair to sit on. RSVP by June 27th to Pat Bradley (647-8431) or Stephanie Lee (649-4230). If you would like to volunteer, please call Pat or Stephanie.



Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula will be bringing their Blood Mobile to The Glen on August 18th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.  Stephanie Lee will be coordinating the blood drive.  Please let her know if you wish to sign up.  Her number is 649-4230 and her email address is Stephanie.lee@chomp.org.



Our CC&Rs require approval of the Architectural Control Committee before you make any changes to the outside of your unit.



The Board approved new Rules and Regulations at its May 18th Board meeting. A copy should be included with this newsletter along with a marked-up copy showing what language was added and what was deleted. If you did not receive a copy, call 642-2441 or e-mail Grossman@theglenofpg.com. The Board felt new rules had to be promulgated in order to deal with current situations in The Glen and to comply with new statutes which took effect January 1st. The new Rules become effective 30 days after they are distributed.



Guest Parking is for guests. It is not for residents. Please do not park in Guest Parking. Violators are subject to fines and or towing.



Garbage cans belong in your garage when they are not out for trash collection. Unless you are donating them to The Glen, do not store them on common areas.



   Glen Grossman attended the meeting of the City of Pacific Grove Traffic Commission to complain about the parking on the corners of intersections along Moreland Avenue. The Commission advised that they are going to add red stripping to prohibit parking on the corners of Piedmont and Moreland and Arkwright and Moreland. They will talk to the owners of the 2 big white trucks and ask them not to park so close to the intersection of David and Moreland.



There is always a need for volunteers. The Board is currently looking for someone to assist the Secretary in publishing this newsletter. If you are interested in volunteering, please call us or speak to any Board member.



     JUNE 23, 2004 at 4:45 at Shoreline Community offices (regular board meeting) and Special Board meeting at 6:00 p.m. to discuss budget and approve or disapprove a dues increase of $49 per month per unit plus a special assessment of $35 per month per unit for one year.