DECEMBER 2002/JANUARY 2003 642-2441
The Glen Gazette
One Glen Lake Drive, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
President: Candy Pollock
Vice-President: Jack Rutherford
Secretary: Glen Grossman
Treasurer: Jim Ray
At-Large Director: Jack Rugar
Newsletter: Glen Grossman
Architectural Control:
Ron Johnson
Sandy Claus
Jessa Lee Lapatra
Gardening: Pat Claus
Carol Rutherford
Welcoming: Edith Davis
Emergency Preparedness:
Stephanie Lee
Craig Woolley
Managing Agent:
Joseph Chaffers (MCC)

The Board of Directors met on November 19, 2002. All Board members were in attendance. In addition, residents Bob Stevens, Roger Axt, and Wolfgang Haas attended. The Board approved Minutes from the November 1, 2002 board meeting, reviewed and approved financial reports, and accepted a written report from the Gardening Committee. Vice-President Rutherford reported one of the lake pumps is broken. The Board voted to have it repaired. President Pollock reported 27 units had responded to the Emergency Preparedness questionnaire and Committee Chairperson Stephanie Lee is compiling the responses, the Fire Department tested the lake and determined that we had not suffered any consequences from the sewage spill at DLI, 21 units want to be in the Association directory, and 88% of the residents responding to the questionnaire desired to participate in a garage sale. President Pollock will arrange it. Treasurer Ray reported he will be soliciting painting bids from the contractors whose bids were used to formulate the Reserve Study. Secretary Grossman requested that future board meetings be held at the Shoreline Community Church.
If you are interested in receiving the Glen Gazette via e-mail, e-mail me at ""
The California Poppy Project is giving a free packet of California Poppy seeds to anyone who sends them a self-addressed stamped envelope. If each of us writes requesting a free packet, the gardeners will plant the seeds in select locations. The address for the California Poppy Project is Dept 2002-1007, POB 1103, Ceres, CA 95307-1103.
If you would like a FREE low-flow shower head, call the Glen telephone number and one will be delivered to your front door.
Some residents are entering and exiting through the wrong gate. This creates a very dangerous situation if you are exiting the same gate at the same time someone else is trying to enter. Always use the gate on your right.
Anyone wishing to participate in the Glen Directory, please complete and return to the 1 Glen Lake Drive mail box the attached release form.
Waste Management has declared May 14th and September 24th as our CleanUp dates. On these dates, we can leave out for pickup up to seven (7) additional bags or 32 gallon garbage cans. Under our CC&Rs, "All garages and open parking spaces shall be kept free and clear and available for the parking of vehicles." This is a perfect opportunity for those not in compliance with this provision to come into compliance. Call WM at 384-5000 if you have any question as to what they will pickup.
The California Contractors State License Board has published a list of your rights when you hire a contractor. Among these rights include the right to make a down payment of no more than 10% of the project price or $1,000, whichever is less, the right to make payments as work is completed, the right to withhold a final payment until the work agreed to in the contract is completed. Consumers also have responsibilities. In California, any job that costs $500 or more for material and labor must be performed by a contractor who holds a current, valid license from the Contractors State License Board in the specialty for which he or she is contracting. Ask to see the contractor's pocket license and some additional form of identification. The name on the pocket license should be the same as the name of the contractor or business name under which the contractor is working. It is illegal for one contractor to use another contractor's license, just as it is illegal for someone to use another's driver's license. When you establish that the contractor's or company's name matches what appears on the pocket license issued by the Contractors State License Board, call the Board's toll-free number, (800) 321-CSLB, or check our web site,, to find out if the license is valid.
AB 2417, La Suer. Common interest developments: meetings.
Existing law, the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, defines and regulates common interest developments and provides that any member of the association may attend meetings of the board of directors of the association, except when the board adjourns to executive session to consider specified matters. Existing law requires matters discussed in executive session to be generally noted in the minutes of the board of directors. This bill would require that matters discussed in executive session be noted in the minutes of the immediately following meeting open to the entire membership.
AB 2546, Nation. Common interest developments: marketing and sales.
Existing law, the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, requires that a common interest development be managed by an association, as defined. This bill would provide that any rule or regulation of an association that arbitrarily or unreasonably restricts an owner's ability to market, as defined, his or her interest in a common interest development is void. The bill would also prohibit an association from adopting, enforcing, or otherwise imposing any rule or regulation that: (1) imposes an assessment or fee in connection with the marketing of an owner's interest in the common interest development in an amount that exceeds the association's actual or direct costs; or (2) establishes an exclusive relationship with a real estate broker through which the sale or marketing of interests in the development is required to occur, except for sales and marketing by the association, as specified. The bill would include a specified exception from these provisions.
AB 2776, Simitian. Aviation: noise.
(1) Existing law requires any person who intends to offer subdivided lands within California for sale or lease to file with the Department of Real Estate an application for a public report consisting of a notice of intention and a completed questionnaire that includes, among other things, the location of all existing airports, and of all proposed airports shown on the general plan of any city or county, located within 2 statute miles of the subdivision. Existing law requires that a copy of the public report of the Real Estate Commissioner, when issued, be given to the prospective purchaser by the owner, subdivider, or agent prior to the execution of a binding contract or agreement for the sale or lease of any lot or parcel in a subdivision or upon request by any member of the public. This bill would require the notice of intention filed with the application for a public report, to include a statement regarding whether the property is encompassed within an airport influence area, as defined.
(2) The Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act regulates common interest developments and defines the declarations and other governing documents that govern the operation of common interest developments and the associations that manage common interest developments. A declaration is required to contain specified information. Existing law provides that an owner of a separate interest in a common interest development must provide certain items to a prospective purchaser prior to transfer of title, including, among other things, a copy of the governing documents of the common interest development. This bill would require that any declaration, recorded after January 1, 2004, contain a statement regarding whether the property is encompassed within an airport influence area.
(3) Existing law requires a seller of residential property, to make disclosures upon the transfer of that property, and sets forth the content and form of these disclosures in a Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement and a Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement. Existing law requires certain sellers of residential real property who have actual knowledge that the property is affected by or zoned to permit certain manufacturing, commercial, or airport uses to give written notice of that knowledge, as soon as practicable before transfer of title. Existing law requires the disclosure statement to advise a purchaser that other reports and disclosures, such as an inspection report, have or will be made in connection with the transfer. This bill would revise the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement to require that statement to advise the prospective purchaser of other disclosures required by law, including the Natural Hazard Disclosure Report/Statement that may include airport annoyances, earthquake, fire, flood, or special assessment information, that have or will be made in connection with the transfer.
(4) Existing law limits the liability of a transferor for failing to disclose natural hazards if the transferor obtains a report or opinion prepared by a licensed engineer, land surveyor, geologist, or expert in natural hazard discovery dealing with matters within the scope of the professional's license or expertise. The bill would condition this limitation upon the expert in natural hazard discovery determining whether the property is within an airport influence area and if so, providing notice with the report or opinion. This bill would provide that its provisions will become operative on January 1, 2004.
AB 555, Dutra. Common interest development managers.
(1) Existing law, the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, establishes a scheme for the regulation of common interest developments. This bill would require a person, in order to be called a "certified common interest development manager" to have either passed an examination or achieved certification designated by a professional association for community association managers within the previous 5 years and to have satisfied other specified educational requirements. The bill would also require a person who provides or contemplates providing management services to a community association to disclose to that association whether that person is a certified common interest development manager. The bill would also make it an unfair business practice for a common interest development manager and certain other persons, to use the title of "certified common interest development manager" without meeting specified requirements, or to state or advertise that he or she is certified or licensed by a governmental agency to act as certified common interest development manager. The bill would provide that the above provisions would remain in effect only until January 1, 2008, unless extended.
(2) Existing law requires applicants for the real estate broker license examination and applicants for a real estate license renewal to meet certain education requirements. This bill would include on July 1, 2004, in those requirements education in the subject of California law relating to common interest developments. The bill would also provide on July 1, 2003, that successful completion of coursework for renewal of a real estate license requires an applicant to demonstrate that he or she has passed a final examination.
(3) Existing law requires the articles of incorporation of common interest development associations to include specified information, including a statement that identifies the name and address of the association's managing agent, if any. This bill would additionally require the articles of incorporation of a common interest development to state whether the association's managing agent is certified. The bill would further require a common interest development association to distribute to its members a summary of its fidelity insurance policies within 60 days preceding the start of the association's fiscal year.
AB 643, Lowenthal. Common interest developments: community association assessments.
(1) Existing law requires a common interest development association's articles of incorporation filed with the Secretary of State on or after January 1, 1995, to include a statement of information identifying the corporation as a common interest development, specified information about the corporate office, and specified information about the association's managing agent. Existing law further requires that the statement of principal business activity in the annual statement filed by an incorporated association with the Secretary of State also include this information. This bill would require a common interest development association, whether incorporated or unincorporated, to submit to the Secretary of State, on a form and for a fee not to exceed $30 to be prescribed by that office, information regarding the common interest development. The fee would be deposited in the Secretary of State's Business Fees Fund, as specified. Among other things, and in addition to the information described above, this information would include the address and either the daytime telephone number or the e-mail address of the president of the association, specified information about the location of the common interest development, and the number of separate interests in the development. The bill would require this information to be submitted according to specified criteria and within certain timeframes. The bill would limit access to specified information concerning the directors of the association, making it available only for governmental purposes and to members of the Legislature and the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. The bill would provide for the suspension of the unincorporated association's rights, privileges, and powers as a corporation and would subject it to monetary penalties for failure to comply with those provisions. The bill would also make related changes.
(2) Existing law requires an owner of a separate interest, as specified, to provide the prospective purchaser with a copy of the governing documents of the common interest development. This bill would additionally require an owner to provide the purchaser with a statement from an authorized representative of the common interest development's association indicating if the association is not incorporated, as specified.
(3) This bill would incorporate additional changes in Section 1368 of the Civil Code proposed by AB 2289, to be operative if AB 2289 and this bill become effective on or before January 1, 2003, and this bill is enacted last.
The next Board meeting will be held on January 21, 2003 at 5:00pm, most likely at Unit #36. All residents are invited to attend (stop by for coffee and refreshments before the meeting). |