July 17, 2007
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA

1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Rodger Axt                           Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Glen Grossman          Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Lynn Bomberger, Portia Cornell, Marce Grossman, Ken Morley, and Candy Pollock.


        Glen Grossman advised that at least one of the gutters on his unit (#42) need to be rehung.  Rugar reminded him that in the interest of keeping expenses down, Sun Rain will be called to inspect and make appropriate repairs of gutters prior to the rainy season.  They will not be called to make one-by-one repairs because it would be too expensive. 

        Portia Cornell (Unit #38) advised that plants are growing beneath the sewer drain outside her unit and requested they be removed.

        Other requests regarding irrigation were referred to the gardening committee.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Rodger Axt to accept minutes from 05/15/07 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



        Treasurer Axt reported he had transferred $82,481.64 from the World Savings CD to the Wells Fargo Investment account and all seemed to be going well.  He will plan to “ladder” the CDs in the account.

        Rugar recommended that funds in Santa Clara Valley National Bank reserve account be transferred to Wells Fargo when possible.

        There was no review of the financial statements provided by MCC via mail to the board members.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT:  Lauritsen reported on new residents of units 52, 63 and 76.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT:  No report.  This item will be removed from future agendas.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

        Chair Pollock reported that the next big project will be replacing the lawns, many of which are original.  They will recondition the soil then lay sod, probably in the fall.

        Chaffers passed on a report from Cal Am, “Water Use Assessment & Landscape Water Budget.”  Pollock will review them to see if any action is required.

        Chair Pollock reported the gardeners will be inspecting the irrigation system to insure all sprinklers are working and positioned correctly.

        Chair Pollock reported that Property Services has requested a fee increase to $3,570 (a 5% increase).  She pointed out they have not had an increase since their 2005 contract.  It was moved by Stephanie Lee, and seconded by Betty Lauritsen, that Property Services’ fee be increased to $3,570 per month.  Motion carried.

        Axt was asked to have the painters remove their gear from the gardeners’ area.

        Axt reported he was soliciting bids for alternative gardening vendors and had received one already that looks promising.  He was directed to obtain at least one more and then all will be considered.


        Axt reported that the meters, hydrants, post protectors, gates and bridge have all been painted.

        He received approval to spend $500 to replace the pole in front by the lawn that had the speed limit on it with a black one and move it to the rocky area.

        Pollock advised there are holes in the neighbors’ fence by units 78-82.  Axt will look at them to see what can be done to repair it or erect a fence on our property.


5.06          LAKE REPORT:  Lake Committee Chair Lauritsen reported Axt has had the lake raked and Bomberger is looking for plants that the deer won’t eat. Bomberger suggested bank maintenance needs to be discussed.  The committee was commended on the nice job they’d done.


5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar reported two raccoons have been trapped and removed.

5.08          ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT:  Chair Ken Morley reported that Unit #19 has requested to install three solar panels, and the request was approved.


5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS: The newsletter is almost ready for distribution.  Grossman will get it to MCC in the next 48 hours.  The new parking permit will be attached to the newsletter. 

5.10          RULE ENFORCEMENT

        Based on a recommendation from another ECHO member, Glen Grossman moved, and Rodger Axt seconded, that a Parking Committee be formed to enforce parking regulations, with the power to fine.  Motion carried.  Glen Grossman moved, and Rodger Axt seconded, that Lynn Bomberger be appointed chair of the Parking Committee.  Motion carried.

        Bomberger requested that she be allowed to put the new parking permit when she sees a car has been parked for a few days.  She was directed to not place it on a car prior to the seventh day it has been parked in guest parking, as specified in the Rules & Regulations.


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Director Axt reported he has a new address for the property owner so will be sending the previously approved letter.

6.02          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – President Rugar reported the installation has been completed.  The sprinkler heads need to be counted in order to determine the final bill.

6.03          Drainage Problem in Units #30 and 42 – Grossman reported the engineer is working on the project and has found the CD that Ken Morley provided very helpful.

6.04          Budget Committee:  Axt reported that the committee met on 7/15 and requested the operating budget be increased by 5% to $157,500.  Further they recommended dues be $305, per month, per unit, based on their review of the Year-to-Date expenses and the Reserve Study.  Grossman pointed out that the audit stated there would be a $463,956 Reserve shortfall as of 8/1/06.  Based on this, we need a review of the discrepancy between projected reserve shortfall and the Reserve Study report. Grossman will call the auditor to find out where he got his figures (since they clearly do not reflect the cash on hand in the reserve accounts) and insure he has the most recent copy of the Reserve Study.  Discussion regarding dues was tabled until this issue can be resolved.

6.05          CPA Audit:  (See 6.04, above, for discussion about the reserve shortfall.)  Grossman will contact the auditor to discuss the reserve shortfall and to point out that no money is “rolled over” as stated on page 7 of their audit.

6.06          Reserve Study:  President Rugar directed MCC to distribute it to HOA members.

6.07          French Doors for Unit #110:  Axt reported the work will be done in the next two weeks.

7.0        NEW BUSINESS:

7.01          Appointment of Election Inspector – Stephanie Lee moved, seconded by Rodger Axt, that Ken Morley be appointed Election Inspector.  Motion carried.  Morley will put the letter explaining the election process to the HOA on The Glen letterhead and get it to MCC for distribution ASAP.

7.02          Adoption of a Budget – Rodger Axt moved, and it was seconded by Betty Lauritsen, that the operating budget be increased by 5% to $157,500, effective 9/1/07.   Motion carried.

7.03          Lake Pump Hours – Grossman requested the pump be kept on during daylight hours.  Rugar will adjust the timer on the pump, if necessary.

7.04          Earthquake Coverage – Grossman read a section of the January 30, 1997 JCP report that stated The Glen is “not in an official earthquake fault zone. . .” and that there are no mapped active fault traces on the property.

8.0        CORRESPONDENCE – Rugar read a letter from Unit 96 commending the 4th of July picnic committee for a wonderful time.

9.0        FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 09/18/07 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, 


Stephanie Lee, Secretary