July 18, 2006
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA

1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Glen Grossman                     Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Absent
At-large Director Candy Pollock           Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Chuck Adams, Wolfgang Haas, Connie Shelstad, Nancy Budd, Portia Cornell, Marce Humphrey, Ken Morley, Lynn Bomberger, Daniel Golubev, and Augie Louis.


        Grossman will take the minutes in the absence of the Secretary.

        Portia Cornell says she did not receive a copy of the last letter from the Board. V-P Lauritsen says she did not either.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Betty Lauritsen to accept minutes from 06/20/06 Board Meeting. Motion carried.


5.01          FINANCIAL REPORTS – Joseph Chaffers reviewed the financial statement.  Motion by Lauritsen, seconded by Rugar, to approve the financial reports. Motion carries.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – V-P Lauritsen reported no new residents.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT – Director Grossman reported that web site now has minutes dating back to 1985 and copies of the Glen Gazette dating back to 1986 in addition to copies of all current insurance policies and a summary of coverages. Director Grossman asked Augie Louis to take a look at the website and if he sees anything missing, to please forward a copy of the missing document (if he has it) for inclusion on the website. Director Pollock notes that she cannot easily locate on the website a telephone number for Joseph Chaffers.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

-         Director Pollock reported that our gardener, Susan, is very ill and will be out for several months so issues regarding equipment reimbursement (e.g., lawn mower) will have to wait. Jose will be tackling the hillside behind the tennis court.

-         Pollock also reported that there continues to be work needed on our irrigation system. 

5.05          MAINTENANCE REPORT – President Rugar reported that SBCGlobal did a lousy patch work on the road in front of unit 12 and he is waiting for SBCGlobal to return his call. Marce Humphrey noted both she and Faye Morley cleaned the bridge railings; the Association should have the bridge railings cleaned on a regular basis and the sidewalk leading to the bridge should be kept clear of moss because some of our residents could slip and fall. Rugar will report to the Board on possible solutions.


5.06          LAKE REPORT – President Rugar reported that Rodger Axt was out of town but the algae was removed from the lake.

5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar reported nothing.

5.08          ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – Ken Morley reported that unit 88 replaced his garage door and that some of our non-resident owners were not familiar with our CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations (requiring permission of the Architectural Control Committee to replace garage doors).

5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS – Director Pollock plans an issue at the end of this month and will ask committee chairs to submit written articles.

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT – President Rugar reported nothing.


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – President Rugar reported that the construction work in the back of that house is still stopped. Rugar is waiting for construction to start again so that Rodger Axt can discuss with our neighbor the damage to our fence and the drainage problem.

6.02          Revising CC&Rs and Bylaws – President Rugar reports ballots are coming in. Nancy Budd objected to the provision in the Bylaws allowing the Board to compensate an officer or a director for professional services and asked if she could vote in favor of the bylaws with that provision being stricken. Chuck Adams also expressed concern for the potential conflicts of interest which might arise. Director Grossman explained that the current bylaws allows the Board to pay salaries to its officers (Art.VI, §1). The proposed bylaws withdraw that authority. The new section 11 of article 9 would give the Board the authority to pay an officer for services that would have otherwise been contracted for or rendered by a management company or other professional. Because ballots had already been received, at this time it was too late to alter any provisions in the bylaws. Nancy suggests that proxies be mailed to every owner in order to secure a quorum at the annual meetings and that all owners be requested to fill out a proxy in the event that they are unable to attend the annual meeting.

6.03          Wrought-Iron Fence – President Rugar explained to new owners that a deer had impaled itself on a spike on our fence, that the Pacific Grove Animal Control officer wanted the spikes removed, that she had reported the situation to her supervisor and to the City Attorney, that a municipal ordinance adopted after The Glen was built might ban our spikes. Rugar reported there are 400 spikes on our fence and it could cost between $500 and $1000 to remove all the spikes. He didn’t think the ordinance prohibited our spikes and even if they did, the City could not require us to remove the spikes when the ordinance was adopted after the spikes were already on the fence. Augie Louis noted that the purpose of the spikes was security, that we should consider installing a bar instead of removing the spikes, and that we should consider waiting to hear from the City Attorney prior to taking any action. Ken Morley said the fence was rusting badly and was scheduled to be replaced in two years. Wolfgang suggested we replace the fence now instead of in two years. Rugar will speak with the Animal Control Officer and report back at the next Board meeting.

6.04          Purchase of CD with Operating Account Funds – Director Grossman reported there are four institutions in California offering rates of 5% or more on 3 month Certificates of Deposit. Augie Louis suggested looking into Charles Schwab which allows one to buy CDs from other institutions from the Charles Schwab website. The money is insured and there is no requirement to personally visit numerous financial institutions.

6.05          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – Director Pollock reported she contacted the expert she met at the ECHO conference who quoted a fee of $38 per valve or $1520 to review our irrigation system and make recommendations for repair or replacement. President Rugar asked Pollock to obtain quotes from two other local firms.


7.01          Annual Audit - Grossman moves that Levy & Company be hired. Motion failed for lack of a second. President Rugar noted a mistake of law on the Levy cover letter and requested bids from two other CPAs. Grossman will get that and report back to the Board.

7.02          Dam – Grossman moves that the dam be removed. Motion failed for lack of a second. Marce Humphrey noted the dam was installed without a permit from the City and we should go back to dredging every seven years. Lynn Bomberger noted that there were problems with the dam. Motion by President Rugar, seconded by Grossman, to establish a committee consisting of Lynn Bomberger and Rodger Axt and chaired by Director Lauritsen to make recommendations regarding the dam and the shoreline. Motion passed. Portia Cornell asked that the committee consult experts and report at open meetings so members know what is going on.

7.03          Annual Assessment Letter – President Rugar reports it will be substantially the same as last year since the dues are not increasing.

7.04          Feel-Good Committee – Director Grossman reported he really enjoyed the garage sale Saturday because he had the opportunity to talk with neighbors he normally does not see and it is an event which really builds community spirit and good will but it needs to be moved to May when the weather is better and The Glen should pay for the Herald ad since it is a community event. We also need to know what non-resident we should contact in the event a resident has an emergency. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Pollock to establish a Feel-Good Committee consisting of Faye Morley and Marce Humphrey to set up an annual community garage sale in May with the Herald ad paid for by The Glen and some sort of event in December. Motion passes. Pollock asked Betty to amend the Emergency Preparedness forms to obtain information on non-resident contacts.

8.0  CORRESPONDENCE – Letter from Greta Harpham thanking us for the July 4th event.

9.0  FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 08/15/06 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA. 

Respectfully submitted, 


Glen Grossman, Acting Secretary