March 21, 2006
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road
Pacific Grove, CA

1.0 CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen Present
Treasurer Glen Grossman Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee Present
At-large Director Candy Pollock Absent

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers Absent    

Members present: Lynn Bomburger, Marce Grossman, Wolfgang Haas, Diane Hardcastle, and Ken Morley

3.0   AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS – Director Grossman noted what seems to be an increase in mosquitoes. Diane Hardcastle volunteered to ask the mosquito abatement people to investigate whether or not they are mosquitoes and what needs to be done. Hardcastle noted that trees behind Unit 65 seem to be dying. President Rugar assured her that tree maintenance is caring for trees (cutting/trimming/ removing) as appropriate and has yet to get to that area of the complex.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Betty Lauritsen, to accept minutes from 02/21/06. Motion carried.


5.01 FINANCIAL REPORTS –Director Grossman confirmed that board members had received copies of the balance sheet. There were no questions about it. He then reported that on March 15, 2006 the Monterey County Bank CD was rolled over for six months at an interest rate of 4.5%. As of that date the balance was $59,029.03. President Rugar reported that the reserve account repayment is complete and it appears the HoA is in good financial shape.

5.02 NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – Director Lauritsen and Lynn Bomburger reported they had welcomed new residents in Units 25 (short-term renters) and Unit 54 (renter). They are still trying to get information about residents in Unit 54.

5.03 WEBSITE REPORT – No report.

5.04 GARDENING REPORT – In Director Pollock’s absence there was no report. Ken Morley reported that there seemed to be an issue outside the Ray’s unit. Apparently SBC did some cable work and destroyed some plants. The Rays have replaced the plants at their expense and submitted a claim to SBC. Marce Grossman reported that a plant in the corner of their unit was trimmed and consequently died. President Rugar will report that to the gardening committee.



President Rugar reported work on the gutters is complete. (Ken Morley is awaiting the bill for that work in Roger Axt’s absence) He said it was evident that the roof replacement is imminent due to residue found in the gutters. He further reported that the gutter problem reported by Unit 106 was a result of the placement of the ladder support. It’s been resolved.

President Rugar reported the sign is ready regarding large trucks’ access to the Glen. It will be hung on the gate. He and Director Lauritsen researched the size of recycling trucks. It appears that they are 32-35’ and can maneuver the turn. No further action was requested from Ken regarding the draft wording for a revision to the Rules & Regulations or CC&Rs.

Director Lee reported the bottom of the fence across from her unit (by the garage) seems to be rusting. President Rugar said work will not be done to replace the fence at this time due to expense.

President Rugar reported the gardeners will replace the street light bulb that has burned out (to the right of the gate) and President Rugar will take care of replacing the bulb on the resident list board outside the gate.

5.07 LAKE REPORT – No report until spring or summer (when the rains subside).

5.08 WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar reported there were two raccoons.

5.09 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – Ken Morley reported there was no new action.


5.10.1 Document Revision – Director Grossman said the committee will attempt a report at the next board meeting.

5.11 NEWSLETTER ITEMS: In Director Pollock’s absence President Rugar suggested there be mention in the next newsletter that wood may not be placed against the building sides due to potential termite damage.


6.01 Revising CC&Rs – Director Grossman requested an additional 30 days to report.

6.02 Revising Bylaws – Director Grossman requested an additional 30 days to report.

6.03 Fence Across From Units 90-94 – President Rugar reported that work has stopped, but that he discovered a 4" pipe that has potential for sending water down the hill to The Glen. He reported it to the City and was informed they wouldn’t do anything. They suggested that if it becomes a problem, the HoA should sue the homeowner. He will continue to monitor the situation.

6.04 Monterey County Bank Resolutions – Director Grossman will check with World Bank to see what is needed on the signature cards.


7.01 French Doors – There was discussion about dry rotted French doors around The Glen. Lee recommended that we get quotes from termite companies for inspection so that we can ascertain the extent of damage before we try to resolve the issue. President Rugar will call for quotes. Diane Hardcastle presented a bid to complete the Section 1 work required on Unit 72 before its sale. Stephanie Lee moved (seconded by Lauritsen) that the $950 bid presented by Houston’s Home Repair to replace the French doors, siding and trim on Unit 72 be accepted. Motion passed.

7.02 Insurance Renewal – President Rugar pointed out that many of the HoA insurance policies expire in May. Director Grossman volunteered to call Jeff Kane’s office to obtain renewal bids on all policies (earthquake, umbrella, regular policy). He will also insure that the policy expiration dates on the website are current.

7.03 Roving Holiday Party – Marce Grossman reported that Marcia Scala (Unit 10) suggested we hold a roving holiday party. She will investigate further and report to the board.


9.0 FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 04/18/06 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Stephanie Lee, Secretary