March 15, 2005
71 Glen Lake Drive, Pacific Grove, CA
President Diana Busman
Vice-President Jack Rutherford Present
Treasurer Jim Ray Present
Secretary Glen Grossman Present
At-large Director Jack Rugar Present
Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers - Present
Members present Dorothy & Chuck Adams (#3), Wolfgang Haas (#11), Roger Axt (#13), Rick Busman (#71), Faye & Ken Morley (#86), Candy Pollock (#110), and Augie Louis on behalf of Nancy Evans.
3.0 AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS Rodger Axt wishes to post a sign on the mailboxes regarding dog illnesses. Approved.
4.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from 1/18/05 and 2/15/05 approved.
5.01 FINANCIAL REPORTS Treasurer Ray reports overall we are operating under budget but several items (repair and maintenance, rain gutters) are over budget. We are paying SJNB $15 per month for the insurance account. Rick Busman advises the Operating Account still owes the Reserve Account approximately $18,000 ($25 per month per unit for one year). President Busman reports that at the ECHO Seminar this past Saturday, attendees were advised that loans from the Reserve Account had to be repaid within one year.
5.02 WELCOMING REPORT Director Rugar advises no report. President Busman advises unit #88 has sold.
5.03 WEBSITE REPORT Secretary Grossman advises no report.
5.04 GARDENING REPORT Rodger Axt submitted a written report. Gardening Committee did a walk-through of the common areas on 2/23 with Susan and Jose. Some planting has been deferred due to the rain. Roberts Tree Service was here for two days. New trees have been planted. The hill outside the front gate has lots of pet excrement and the gardeners got dirty when mowing it. Susan requests a sign be posted advising people to pick up after their dogs. Rodger has made the signs and will post them.
5.05 RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT Board agrees to have MCC send violation letters to owners. Any Board member can notify MCC about violations of Rules or CC&Rs. MCC will send letters to all owners requesting vehicle license numbers and emergency phone numbers. MCC will send a letter to all landlords requesting that they inform him of the names, phone numbers, and vehicles of all tenants. Candy Pollock suggests the Emergency Preparedness forms be amended to include vehicle license numbers.
5.07 MAINTENANCE REPORT Vice-President Rutherford reports gutter cleaning continues, a tree root has been tackled, and he will have the pipes behind #44s garage fixed and a sump cleaned.
5.08 LAKE REPORT Vice-President Rutherford advises he will have chemicals for the lake by 4/1. Candy Pollock advises behind unit #12, the drainage pipe is an eyesore and the hill looks as if it has lost a lot of dirt.
5.09 WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT Director Rugar reports no raccoons trapped. Grossman reports his wife saw a rat on her patio and requests a rat trap be placed on the property. Rugar and Rutherford advise a rat trap will not work because cats and dogs will get into it.
5.10 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT Ken Morley advises no report.
a. Document Revision Ken Morley presented a proposed change to the parking regulations. The term guests may not cover business invitees and contractors. Augie Louie suggested creating additional parking spaces in The Glen. Matter continued to next Board meeting.
b. Finance Review Jim Ray reports he, Rick Busman, Connie Shelstad, Rodger Axt, and Nancy met to discuss financial projections and the 2006 budget. They need to obtain estimates from Williams Roofing, Knox Roofing, and Scudder Roofing in order to prepare the budget. They need another month to gather the data. Jack Rugar and Augie Louie volunteer to work with Jim Ray.
a. Candy Pollock will assume editorial duties.
b. Sharon Axt has a letter for the Glen Gazette.
c. Director Rugar will write an article for the Glen Gazette regarding the painting situation, when Ekim Painting will do the doors and correct any mistakes, and how owners are to contact Ekim Painting.
6.01 TV Bulk Rates President Busman advises she has contacted Comcast and is waiting for a return call.
6.02 Painting Director Rugar advises Ekim Painting will be out from 4/6 through 4/15 to do touch-ups, front and back doors, door jams, and corrections.
6.03 New CC&R and bylaws President Busman advises she attended the ECHO seminar this past Saturday, that there have been 45 changes to the Davis-Sterling Act since the Act became law 20 years ago. The Board minus Grossman met with John Garvic after the seminar. Garvic is an attorney and also lectured at the seminar. Garvic advised amending our CC&Rs so that they conform to current law and keeping them current. Many CC&Rs do not contain any homeowner rights and they should. Busman noted it is cumbersome for the Board to manage the Association when the CC&Rs are outdated, superseded by statutes, and the Board cannot rely upon the CC&Rs for guidance. New owners have no idea that our CC&Rs do not conform to current law and they are unaware of the Davis-Sterling Act and their rights as owners. Wolfgang Haas, owner of unit #11, advises he has made several requests of the Board for answers with respect to the CC&Rs and has received no response. He would like a response. Augie Louie advises he is concerned that the expenditures to have the CC&Rs amended is not necessary nor is the expenditures in the future to keep the CC&Rs in conformity with current law necessary. Motion by Rutherford, seconded by Grossman, to have John Garvic bring the CC&Rs up to current legal standards. Motion passes unanimously. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Busman, to sign a retainer agreement with John Garvic. Motion passes unanimously.
7.01 Reserve Study Treasurer Ray reports he obtained several quotes from different reserve companies. The Board authorizes Ray to contact Borrera, Pollock and Applied Reserve Analysis for firm bids and time frames.
7.02 Property Services Contract Grossman to send the contract to Rodger Axt for Susans signature.
7.03 Meeting with Jeff Kane, KBK Insurance President Busman advises Jeff
Kane is
available after April 1st and would like some questions in advance.
7.04 Garage Sale Candy Pollock appointed to chair this event. Rodger Axt advises Waste Management trucks have been leaking broken glass, dirt, and wet garbage. He will contact them.
8.0 CORRESPONDENCE letter from Dorothy & Chuck Adams to be posted on the website.
9.0 FUTURE BOARD MEETING/ADJOURNMENT 4/19/05 at 6:00 p.m. at 71 Glen Lake Drive.