2005 1.0 CALL TO ORDER 6:00 PM 2.0 DIRECTOR ROLL CALL President Diana Busman Present Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers - Present Members present Wolfgang Haas (#11), Rodger Axt (#13), Ken Morley (#19), Candy Pollock (#110), and Augie Louis on behalf of Nancy Evans. 3.0 AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS . 4.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from 1/18/05 deferred. 5.0 REPORTS 5.01 FINANCIAL REPORTS Treasurer Ray reports ??? He met with Rick Busman to start preparing a Reserve Study and would like volunteers to serve on the Reserve Study committee. Ken Morley and Rodger Axt volunteered. Ray suggests obtaining a Reserve Study from an outside firm. He will solicit 3 bids. Board agrees previous Reserve Studies shall not be made available to any new Reserve Study company so the Board can be assured of obtaining an independent fiscal opinion. Ray advises we never budgeted for cleaning the rain gutters so we are over-budget for that item. Ray advises we are over-budget in item 7600 but much of that expense is from the painting. Busman believes some of those items should be charged to the Reserve Account and paid from the painting budget. 5.02 WELCOMING REPORT Director Rugar advises no report. 5.03 WEBSITE REPORT Secretary Grossman advises no report. 5.04 GARDENING REPORT Rodger Axt submitted a written report. Gardening Committee requests the purchase of two fishermans waders for the gardeners to wear when cleaning the lake. Board approves the purchase from the Gardening Budget. Axt advises Property Management Services wants to amend part of its contract to provide for 36 hours on Monday and Wednesday but not specifying how many workers will work Monday and how many will work Wednesday. The Gardening Committee is ok with that. The Board approves the change. Secretary Grossman to make the change in the contract. Axt does not anticipate further tree work after the end of February. 5.05 RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT President Busman advises she has not found a violation notice she likes. Extended discussion on whether the Board should be lenient or strict in interpreting Rule violations. 5.07 MAINTENANCE REPORT Vice-President Rutherford reports Ken Morley sent him a list of roof problems and our roofer has not had a chance to come out and inspect. 5.08 LAKE REPORT Vice-President Rutherford advises no report. 5.09 WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT Director Rugar reports no raccoons trapped. 5.10 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT Ken Morley advises no report. 5.11 AD HOC COMMITTEES Jack Rugar a. Document Revision Secretary Grossman advises the committee was unable to meet. Deferred. b. Finance Review Rick Busman. No report. 5.12 NEWSLETTER ITEMS: a. President Busman will write an article for the Glen Gazette regarding Rules and Regulations. b. Invite volunteers to serve on a committee. c. Director Rugar will write an article for the Glen Gazette regarding the painting situation. 6.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.01 TV Bulk Rates Candy Pollock advises Comcast wont negotiate with her because she is no longer on the Board. President Busman will take over this issue. 6.02 Painting Director Rugar advises weather prevented Ekim Painting from coming out to finish up the trim work. He wont start until after March 1st. 6.03 New CC&R and bylaws President Busman advises no report. 6.04 Lake Bank by #110 Vice-President Rutherford reports Granite Construction fixed the situation under budget. 7.0 NEW BUSINESS 7.01 Bank Signature Cards Treasurer Ray advises he provided a copy of Minutes and Articles of Incorporation to Monterey County Bank, World Savings Bank, and Washington Mutual. Monterey County Bank needs Busman and Grossman to come in and sign. WM wants everyone to come in together. 3/12 is a tentative date. 8.0 CORRESPONDENCE none 9.0 FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT 3/15/05 at 6:00 p.m. at 71 Glen Lake Drive. |