March 16, 2004
Shoreline Office Building
1200 Piedmont Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    4:45 PM                                                                      

2.0       ROLL CALL

Candy Pollock              Director            Present
Jack Rutherford            Director            Present
Jim Ray                        Director            Present
Jack Rugar                   Director            Present
Glen Grossman             Director            Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers -        Present

Members present – Wolfgang Haas (#11), Roger Axt (#13), Adorjian DeGalfy (#14), Carol Rutherford (#36), Paul Sidoni (#40), Rick Busman (#71), Faye and Ken Morley (#86), Eugene Ganeles (#94), and Greta Harphham (#96).

3.0   AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS – Greta wants the board to do something to stop the noise from the furnace in the garage in #98. It is located on her bedroom wall, comes on at night, and disturbs her sleep. Board determines that since the furnace is not located on the common area, there is little the Board can do. She also says #94 parks on the street curb.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Minutes from approved.


       5.01   FINANCIAL REPORTS – Ray reports our financial statements clearly depict what the association has been spending. Reserve items are still being paid from the Operating Account. We are now auto-paying certain recurring items (e.g., water, PG&E).

       5.02   WELCOMING REPORT – Carol Rutherford advises two rentals are coming up (#38 and #50).

       5.03   WEBSITE REPORT – Grossman is still working on how to develop a secure location on the website for board members only.

       5.04   GARDENING REPORT – Carol Rutherford advises there is no report. Pollock advises Pat Claus has resigned from the Gardening Committee. Pollock will replace Pat Claus on the Gardening Committee.

       5.05   EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REPORT – Pollock advises there is no report.

       5.06   RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT – Pollock advises the left side (#74-110) has parking problems. She notified the real estate agents in charge of #94 of the problem. There is still a speeding problem in The Glen. Speed bumps would slow drivers down. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rugar, to install a speed bump or bumps in the curve by unit 11. Ken Morley reports delivery trucks speed by his unit (#88). Motion amended to the Architectural Control Committee shall determine the options, exact location, and materials to be used in the installation of speed bumps. Motion passes.

       5.07   MAINTENANCE REPORT – Rutherford advises there is no report.

       5.08   LAKE REPORT – Rutherford advises the lake is too deep to add more rocks to the dam.

       5.09   WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – Rugar advises no new raccoons caught.

       5.10   ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – Ken Morley advises Sandy Claus has resigned from the Architectural Control Committee. Motion by Pollock, seconded by Grossman, to appoint Rodger Axt to fill the vacancy created by Sandy Claus’s resignation. Motion passes.

       5.11   AD HOC COMMITTEES

                 a.   Document Revision – Grossman advises a tentative draft of the proposed Rules and Regulations was e-mailed to the Board. Pollock advises she wants the Rules to prohibit storing of garbage containers anyplace other than a garage. Board members are to e-mail their comments to Grossman within one week.

                 b.   Finance Review – Ray advises there is no report.

                 c.                                        Pollock advises there is no report.


  • Pollock advises #65 and #94 store their garbage cans outside their garage.
  • Carol Rutherford’s color committee will meet within the next 30 days to select possible colors for painting The Glen. At the next Board meeting, the Board will select two choices for colors.
  • Newsletter should thank Pat and Sandy Claus for all their volunteer work.


        6.01   TV Bulk Rates – Rugar advises Comcast told him one thing (either 100% participation or no discount) and told Pollock something different (20 units participating warranted a discount) so he will continue to investigate.

        6.02   Violation letters – Grossman to submit form letters.         

        6.03   Painting – discussion re pressure washing by us. Ray to find out what sort of discount the painting companies will give us if we do the painting preparation work.


       7.01 Neighborhood Watch  – Axt reports the street light near the entrance is not fixed and Phoebe Woolley had called the Pacific Grove Recreation Department about it. Pollock advises she called the Pacific Grove Police Department on the large white truck that is parked outside the gate and blocks the view of drivers exiting The Glen.


9.0   FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – April 20, 2004 at 4:45 p.m. at Shoreline.