September 23, 2003

Shoreline Office Building

1200 Piedmont Avenue

Pacific Grove, CA



1.0       CALL TO ORDER    4:45 PM                                                                      


2.0       ROLL CALL


Candy Pollock              Director            Present

Jack Rutherford            Director            Present

Jim Ray                        Director            Present

Jack Rugar                   Director            Present

Glen Grossman             Director            Present


Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers -        Present


Members Present: Pat and Sandy Claus (#7), Wolfgang Haas (#11), Roger Axt (#13), Carol Rutherford (#36), Rick Busman (#71), Faye and Ken Morley (#86), and Stephanie Lee (#104).



a. Request from John Shipley regarding the condition of Glen Lake Drive. Board is not aware of any problem with Glen Lake Drive.

b. Memo from Wolfgang Haas (#11) regarding our CC&Rs. Board will defer action to the next board meeting.            


4.0       APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM BOARD MEETING OF 7/22/03: Amended to include reference in 3.0 to a memo from Wolfgang Haas and Roger Axt regarding gardening. Minutes adopted by unanimous consent.


5.0       REPORTS:


5.01     FINANCIAL REPORTS: Treasurer Ray reported as follows: (a) our financial reports now reflect detail explaining expenditures. (b) If we spend $25,000 to install gutters on the roofs, the Reserve Account will be underfunded in 2006.  Our options are to forego installing the gutters, raise dues, do an assessment in 2006, delay replacing the roof in 2006, or some combination of the above. Rick Busman has prepared a spreadsheet projecting the balance in the Reserve Account given different scenarios. The Reserve projections of the Reserve Account were ititially based upon the Sunstone Reserve Study from Sunstone. That study did not account for the bay windows getting dryrot or installation of gutters. It is possible we are overlooking a reserve item, the expense for which we should be reserving. The Operating Account is getting very, very short. Joseph indicates that because the Reserve Account is currently short by $37,000, we need a larger assessment. The Board agrees to meet next week to discuss the Reserve Account projections in detail.

5.02     WELCOMING COMMITTEE: Chairperson Carol Rutherford reports there are new residents in #94, the family of Sergio Bindel.

5.03     WEBSITE COMMITTEE: Secretary Grossman reports the CC&Rs and Bylaws have been uploaded onto the website but currently in pdf format. Jim Ray requests that they be made available in MSWord format because it takes his dial-up browser a while to load it. Grossman advises that converting a pdf file to a MSWord file requires the paid version of Adobe Acrobat which is expensive.

5.04     GARDENING COMMITTEE: Chairperson Pat Claus previously submitted her report by e-mail. Glen Heights is requesting permission to “top” some of our trees. Frank Ono, City Forrester, said no-no. Prior to allowing Glen Heights to trim, they will need to provide us with written permission from Frank Ono and some insurance with The Glen as beneficiary should a loss result. Chairperson Claus provided us with insurance certificates for Property Services, Inc (our gardeners). The policies are through Everest National Ins. Co. The general liability policy expires 11/25/03, the auto policy on 11/25/03, and the workers’ compensation on 4/1/04.

5.05     EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: President Pollock advises there is no report.

5.06     RULE COMPLIANCE: President Pollock advises we still have residents parking in Guest Parking. Speeding around the curves in The Glen by the front gate is a definite problem. The newsletter needs to address this issue in bold print.

5.07     MAINTENANCE: Vice-President Rutherford reports the Bay-Window project has been  completed!

5.08     LAKE: Vice-President Rutherford reports no work is being done on the lake because the gardeners have no time for it. Roofs are being checked and metal valleys between roofs need painting. Gutters will be swept mid-October.



5.09     WILDLIFE CONTROL: Director Rugar reports two raccoons trapped. Additionally, someone tripped all four traps a few weeks ago. Pollock advises she has received half-dozen requests for The Glen to ban feeding the pigeons. The newsletter should advise the residents not to feed the pigeons because they are really creating a mess, they spread diseases that can infect humans, and that pigeon feed attracts rats.

5.10     ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: Chairperson Sandy Claus advises there is no report. Pollock advises that the committee needs to issue any approvals in writing and copy the Board, the committee needs to have rules governing it, and it needs to develop guidelines for satellite dishes and require the owner to indemnify The Glen for any damage.


a.         DOCUMENT REVISION COMMITTEE: no report.

b.         ACCOUNTING REVIEW COMMITTEE: no report.

5.12     STAFF REPORTS: President Pollock:

a.         Bar-B-Que on July 4th was the most successful ever but next year we need to rent a grill.


·        Speeding on Glen Lake.

·        Pigeons – don’t feed.



6.01     a.         Patio #38: President Pollock advises two attempts have been made to rectify the situation without satisfaction to Mrs. Rousso, that she consulted with Jon Baty, Esq., and that Mr. Baty opined that that The Glen was responsible for fixing Mrs. Rousso’s patio. Mrs. Rousso advised Candy that she could have the patio fixed for $2630. Motion by Ray, seconded by Grossman, to accept Mrs. Rousso’s offer and allow her to have it fixed herself so long as she signs a release form releasing The Glen from liability for water damage to her unit. Motion passes. Jon Baty, Esq., will prepare the release form.

6.02     CONTRACTS

            a.         PROPERTY SERVICES, INC. (for gardening services):

Secretary Grossman requests that approval of the contract be deferred until each Board member has a chance to satisfy him or herself that the documents referenced in the contract (policy of workers’ compensation, liability bond, license) exist and are current. Item deferred until next board meeting.

b.         MANAGEMENT COST CONTROLS Contract (for management services): Grossman objects to the paragraph where The Glen indemnifies MCC for simple negligence committed by MCC employees. Joseph agrees to delete the term gross with the result that The Glen will not be indemnifying MCC for acts of negligence. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to approve contract with MCC. Motion passes.

6.03     IRON RAILING REPAIRS by UNIT #10: President Pollock reports the owners are very upset railing and sidewalk were removed without being consulted. They want iron railing replaced along with sidewalk leading to driveway of #12. Pollock says the owners believe they can have a new wrought iron fence installed by their contractor for $1200. Rutherford believes it will require $1500. No one knows if building codes require installation of a railing but it would certainly help prevent someone falling into the street. Pat Claus advises the Gardener suggested letting the ivy grow and planting a fruitless plumb tree in the adjacent common area. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to remove the railing and the sidewalk adjacent to it and replace the sidewalk with landscaping. Motion passes (Grossman, Rutherford, and Pollock voting yes, Ray voting no, and Rugar abstaining). Motion by Jim Ray, seconded by Grossman, that everything related to this project by put in writing. Motion passes.

6.04     GUTTERS: tabled

6.05     PERIMETER FENCING: deferred indefinitely


7.0       NEW BUSINESS:

7.01     Sidewalk Repair by Pumphouse: T

7.02     Brush clean up by top of hill (see 5.04)

7.03     Tennis Court


8.0       CORRESPONDENCE: Greta Harpham (#96) wrote thanking The Glen for the July 4th bar-b-que. #10 wrote about their railing and sidewalk.



9.01     NEXT BOARD MEETING: August 26, 2003 at 4:45 at Shoreline Offices.

9.02     Motion to adjourn adopted by acclimation.