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PACIFIC GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION March 19, 2002 MINUTES 1.0 CALL TO ORDER 2.0 ROLL CALL Also present: Glen Grossman, Blanch Stevens & Miriam Edwards 3.0 AGENDA REVIEW, RESIDENT REQUESTS, CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL Blanche Stevens asked why cars cannot park parallel to their garage? Item to be on next meeting agenda. 4.0 APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES 4.01 Minutes - February 5, 2002. Accepted as presented. 5.0 REPORTS 5.01 Delinquency Reports (2/28/02) Jim Ray moved, Jack Rugar seconded, approved as reported 5.02 Financial Reports (2/28/02) Jim Ray moved, Jack Rugar seconded, approved as reported. 5.03 Bank Statements (2/28/02) Jim Ray moved, Jack Rugar seconded, approved as reported. 5.04 MCC Billing Report (2128/02) Jim Ray moved, Jack Rugar seconded, approved as reported. 5.05 Welcoming Committee - Nothing to report at this time. 5.06 Gardening Committee - Nothing to report at this time. 5.07 Lake Report - The lake is in good shape at this time. 5.08 Rule Compliance - Speeding: The speed limit is still a problem, it will be covered in the newsletter. Unit 48 and 34 to receive a letter regarding parking. 5.09 Architectural Control Committee - The present members are: Ron Johnson, Jessa Lee Lapatra, and Sandy Claus. Bob Stevens moved to have Jim Ray receive bids on gutters, Jack Rugar seconded. Approved. 5.10 Maintenance Report - Painting is completed for this year. 5.11 Staff Report - No raccoons this period. Members asked to report any raccoons seen. Bob Stevens & Candy Pollock went to ECHO Seminar. June 22, 2002 is the ECHO convention, members were asked to attend. 5.12 Ad Hoc Committee 1. Reserve Study Committee - Jim Ray
presented a report, see attached. These two items will be on the agenda for next meeting under new business. 6.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.01 Drainage into Arnett Park See attached letter that may be sent. Board to review this subject. Put on next meeting agenda. 6.02 Gate Function - Work is completed. 6.03 Bill Reimbursement - Jim Ray reviewed system under finances. 7.0 NEW BUSINESS 7.01 Unit 69 Hill Problem See draft letter prepared by Candy Pollock. MCC to see if letters are available from Monterey Engineering and Terra Tech. 7.02 Bridge. Bridge needs to be repaired. Dennis Sullivan says problem can be repaired for not more than $1,000.00. Jim Ray moved to have Dennis Sullivan to repair the bridge, Bob Stevens seconded. Approved 7.03 Resident List - Send letter to Arvid Miller regarding request for resident list. 7.04 Unit 67 Expenses - Dennis Sullivan will give the Board estimate on his cost to repair the fence. Bill for drainage was disapproved. Put on next meeting agenda. See attached letter regarding drainage.7.05 Picnic - Put on next meeting agenda. 8.0 CORRESPONDENCE 8.01 General Correspondence 8.02 Board Correspondence 9.0 ADJOURNMENT 9.01 Set Next Meeting Date, Time and Place 9.02 Adjourn