November 3, 1999
36 Glen Lake Drive
Pacific Grove, CA


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    5:08 PM                                                                    

2.0       ROLL CALL

Jack Rutherford            Director            Present

Jack Rugar                   Director            Present

Glen Grossman             Director            Present

Virginia Capra              Director            Present


            Guests: Candy Pollock, Jesalee Lapatra, Pat and Sandy Claus


            The Board elects the following officers:

Jack Rutherford as President; Candy Pollock as Vice-President; Jack Rugar as Treasurer, and Glen Grossman as Secretary. 

5.0       REPORTS 

5.05     WELCOMING COMMITTEE:  Pat Claus says a Welcoming Package was sent to #s 16, 69, 71, and 90  but no one responded to her.  CLOSED

5.07     RULES ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE:  Vice President Pollock reports problems at unit #98.  A screen in a second story window is left ajar, apparently to allow a cat to enter and exit.  There is dirt on the sideboard underneath the window.  A bicycle is left in the entranceway to the unit.  Rutherford will talk to her.  Unit # 65, garbage cans and a colored tarp are on the side of the house visible from the walkway.  Rutherford will talk to her.  Grossman reports guest parking violations by #61.  Rutherford will talk to him.  General discussion regarding enforcement of rules.  Rutherford says he gets too many calls.  Pollock suggests a visitor parking sticker.  Mention is made of teenagers walking through The Glen and a strange man looking into the garage at #19.  Also dog owners from Glen Heights walking through.  People need to notify the police when they see strangers.  


6.01     Glen Lake Drive   MCC to draft a letter to Granite regarding the alligator cracking of Glen Lake Drive.  Rutherford will call Ty Breeden.  Pollock feels there was insufficient tar and oil in the mix applied to the road.  Rutherford says the mix was the same as used on the Crossroads parking lot and on Prescott street.  Board to arrange a meeting for the Woolleys and Shelstad to meet with Ty Breeden regarding the condition of the street.  OPEN 

6.00     Termite Inspections:

Rutherford advises that the only units not inspected are 16, 63, 65, 67, 71, 78, 88, 98, 102, 106, and 108.  Units 16 and 71 were not inspected because they went through escrow this year.  It was mentioned that termites spread easily from one unit to another.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Capra, that all units shall be inspected.  Motion passes.  Grossman is to draft a letter for MCC to send to all uninspected units.  OPEN 

7.0       NEW BUSINESS

Resident Requests:  Pat Claus says there is a tree in back of #7 and #9 that during a storm sounds as if it is coming down.  Frank Ono, City of P.G. Forester, says the tree is healthy.  A tree nearby needs trimming.  Jack Rutherford will call Tope Tree Service to come out and give us an opinion. OPEN 

Jesalee Lapatra reports the pine trees behind unit #s 7,9, and 11 need trimming .  They have never been this tall before.  She also reports that the City of P.G. told her that the trees on the neighbor’s property behind hers (unit #17) had to come down in two years.  Rutherford will have Topes Tree Service look at those trees and give us an estimate for trimming.  OPEN 

Carmen Rousso appeared and said she paid her late fee in August and October.  Rutherford will handle it with MCC.  CLOSED. 

Motion by Capra, seconded by Rutherford, that late charges will not be assessed against members who pay late because they are on vacation.  Motion passes. 

Jesalee Lapatra wants to know the Board’s policy regarding installation of small satellite dishes (12” diameters).  She says it can not be installed in her back yard or inside her unit because it must be free to rotate to follow the satellite.  She is advised to go through the Architectural Control Committee. 

Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to appoint Jesalee Lapatra to the Architectural Control Committee.  Motion passes. 

Garbage Cans:

Vice-President Pollock reports that on behalf of The Glen, she ordered ten 96 gallon containers for yard waste which will be located behind the stand-alone garage structures near the mail boxes. 


8.02     Board Correspondence:

- letter from attorney John Battey enclosing discovery requests

- Pamela Piccinini, #98, wrote scathing letter dated 10/29/99 


9.01     Board agrees to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each Month.  Next Board meeting will be Tuesday, November 15, 1999 at #36 at 5:00 p.m.

9.02     Motion by Rugar, seconded by Grossman, to adjourn.  Motion passes.