MOTIONS by Glen Grossman at the 11/16/99 Board meeting:


1.         WHEREAS as of 9/30/99 the Operations Account had $15, 052 and the Money Market had $44,0800 and whereas we have a legal obligation to repay the Reserve Account $6,124

THEREFORE, I move that we repay the Reserve Account $6,124.

Motion was seconded by Rutherford and passed.


2.         WHEREAS the Board is responsible for the actions of the Welcoming, Gardening, and Rules Enforcement Committee and needs to know what they are doing, THEREFORE, I move that the Board establish the following as standard Agenda items:

            5.05     report from Welcoming Committee

            5.06     report from Gardening Committee

            5.07     report from Rules Enforcement Committee.

 Motion was seconded by Capra and passed.


3.         WHEREAS the Board hears appeals from the Architectural Control Committee and needs to know what that committee is doing, THEREFORE, I move that the Board establish the following as a standard Agenda item:

            5.08     report from Architectural Control Committee.

 Motion was seconded by Capra and passed.


4.         WHEREAS the Board maintains a subscription to the ECHO Journal and needs to be kept informed of legal developments and trends in CIDs and whereas the ECHO Journal often has timely and pertinent articles affecting how the Board runs the Association and whereas the Board should devote at least a few minutes of each meeting to discuss article of interest appearing in the ECHO Journal, THEREFORE, I move that the Board establish the following as a standard Agenda item:

            5.09     ECHO Journal articles of interest

Motion was seconded by Capra and passed.


5.         WHERAS the Board is responsible for enacting Rules and Regulations and enforcing them and whereas the individual Board members may have personal liability for failing to have provisions of the CC&Rs and the Rules and Regulations enforced and whereas delegation of this duty to the Rules Enforcement Committee is the most efficient method for carrying out the responsibility for having provisions of the CC&Rs and the Rules and Regulations enforced, THEREFORE, I move that Candy Pollock and Glen Grossman be appointed to the Rules Enforcement Committee and that such committee be empowered to issue fines and violation notices with notice to the President, subject to appeal to the full Board. 

Motion was seconded by Capra and passed.