January 24, 1999
71 Glen Lake Drive
Pacific Grove, CA  93950
2:00 p.m. 

1.0     CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m. 

2.0     ROLL CALL

          Jack Rutherford, President
Anna Lorenzen, Vice-President
Glen Grossman, Secretary & Treasurer
Chuck Adams, Director
Director Mark Risley and
          Manager Joseph Chaffers unavailable.

          Also present: Wolfgang Haas 


          Jack notes Granite swept Glen Lake Drive without charge. 



In 3.0, “motor” should be “hinge bearing.”

In 3.0, “He requested to get other possible bids of a more efficient service company ” should be “Adams requested to get other possible bids for tri-annual servicing.”

“5.0 Unfinished Business” should be “6.0 Unfinished Business.”

In 6.01, “and to check with Carmen Russo’s family” should be “and Jack to check with Carmen Russo’s family.”

In 6.02, “this is in non-compliance” should be “this is in non-compliance with Board rules.”

In 6.04, “It was motioned by ___, seconded by ______” should be “It was moved by Grossman, seconded by Lorenzen.”

“6.0 New Business” should be “7.0 New Business.”

In 7.07, “The Board met on December 8, 1998 in a private session to approve” should be “The Board was surveyed on December 8, 1998 and approved.”

“7.09” should be “7.08.”

Motion by Grossman to approve proposed minutes as amended, seconded by Lorenzen.  Motion passed. 

5.0     REPORTS

          Several directors had questions about new expense categories of pest control (7120) and construction defects (7600).  Approval deferred until the next meeting. 


          6.01   Saleh Painting Company:  Jack reports he received from Terry Mallory all of our documents.  Per Jack, Terry believes we have a good chance of prevailing in a lawsuit and Terry recommended two attorneys.  Grossman suggested Andy Swartz.  Because of the potential expense involved with hiring an attorney and pursuing a lawsuit against Saleh, the Board agrees that Jack will set up interviews for the Board with all three attorneys and the Board will pay each attorney a consultation fee not to exceed $250.  Jack will also send a copy of the Saleh contract to Carmen Russo’s daughter and invite her to submit a bid to represent the Association on a contingency fee basis.

          6.02   Parking Rules:  same as item 6.06.  dropped from the Agenda.

          6.03   Architectural Control Proposed Guidelines:  Two issues involved: first, what criteria should the committee employ in approving requests for alterations and modifications and second, what process should the committee afford to those seeking permission to alter or modify their exteriors.  Jack obtained a book from ECHO which should provide guidance on these issues.  Therefore, item is deferred until the next meeting.

          6.04   Edith Davis request:  Item dropped from the Agenda as no one knows what the request is nor why it was even listed as an Agenda item.

          6.05   Gardening:  Item dropped from the Agenda.

          6.06   Rules and Regulations:  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to adopt the Rules and Regulations proposed August 30, 1998 with the following changes:

·                    B8 is deleted.

·                    D3 is amended to read “Guests parking in “Guest Parking” more than one week must request permission from the managing agent.”

·                    E4 is amended to read “No one wants to see pet excrement in the paved or planted areas.  Please pick up any droppings when walking pets.”

·                    F1 will reverse the order of the sentences.

·                    H will begin with “Courts are for the use of residents and their guests.”

·                    H5 is amended to read “All guests must be accompanied to the courts by the association member.”

          Motion passes unanimously.

          6.07   Deer Barriers:  Item dropped from Agenda.

          6.08   Insurance Policies:  Board asks Jack to have Jeff Kane attend the next Board meeting to explain the policy provisions.

          6.08   Front Gate:  Jack reports MCC obtained three names of companies to service the front gate.  Motion by Jack, seconded by Lorenzen, that the Board authorize Chuck Adams to solicit bids, select a contractor, execute a contract for any necessary current repairs, solicit bids for regular inspection and maintenance of the gate, to advise Jack of his recommendation, and for Jack to secure approval of the Board without further meeting by the Board.  Motion carried unanimously.

          6.09   Allocation of Committee Functions:  Anna has prepared a flow chart which the Board will review for the next meeting.

          6.10   Yearly Association Policy Packet:  Motion by Adams, seconded by Grossman, that a packet containing current Rules and Regulations be distributed annually to the membership.  Motion passed unanimously.  Grossman suggests it go out on July 15th along with the annual budget, insurance information, etc...

          6.11   Termite Extermination:  Jack reports Orkin will do a survey of termites for free but needs access to each unit.  Jack will arrange a date with Orkin and notify Grossman for posting in the Glen Gazette.

          6.12   Motion-Detecting Lights:  deferred. 


          7.01   ECHO Seminar.  ECHO is sponsoring a seminar on 2/27/99 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Ocean Forest Homeowners Association in Monterey.  Directions available from Sarah Higgins at 373-3408.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Adams, that the Board pay for all Board members to attend.  Motion carried unanimously.

          7.02   Dennis Sullivan.  Jack reports Dennis Sullivan now has a contractor’s license and will charge us $35 per hour for work he performs.  Motion by Rutherford, seconded by Grossman, that Dennis be retained by the Association for maintenance work.  Motion carries unanimously.  Jack will get a copy of Dennis’ license for the minutes.

          7.03   Deceased tree removal:  deferred.

          7.04   Executive session to discuss working with management.

          7.05   Non-conforming street numbers:  Jack noted that Mark Risley has not removed his large blue street numbers despite being instructed to by letter from MCC.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Lorenzen, that MCC issue Mark Risley a second notice of violation letter to remove his blue house numbers and pay a $10 fine.  Motion carried unanimously. 


·                    12/10/98 to Mia Rizzo re parking violation at #90;

·                    12/10/98 to Day & Vega regarding parking and garage violations at #76;

·                    12/10/98 to tenant at #76 regarding parking and garage violations;

·                    12/18/98 to Granite Construction regading terms for cashing check;

·                    12/30/98 from RE/MAX regarding violations at #76. 


          9.01   February 22, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. at #36

          9.02   Motion to adjourn by Grossman, seconded by Lorensen at 4:35 p.m.  Motion carries.